Production Blog

Hi blog squad! 

Welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I'm going to continue talking about the process of making my commercial. 

I've been looking and taking inspiration from my friend's commercials as well as brainstorming ideas. I want to include photos of places, events, and people that I love. The majority of the photos might be candid because I believe that they are the most genuine photos.

Next, I began to think about a way in which I could organize the video. One of my first ideas was to organize the images and videos in chronological order. The way I'd organize it chronologically would be by adding photos of my childhood first and then adding photos of my present. This comparison will show my true persona and a genuine introduction to me. 

Another idea was to organize it in backward chronological order. By this, I mean that I will start with pictures of me now and then progressively go to my infant pictures. I wish I had videos of when I was young to add to my commercial but I sadly do not. However, this is one of my favorite photos of me as a baby because it just seems adorable.

I want to incorporate photos of my favorite places I have visited. For example, I recently went to New York City and it became one of my favorite cities. My favorite place there had to be the MET Museum since it was full of culture and history. Also, I will be adding photos of the concerts I've been to since concerts are one of my favorite events. Finally, I want to add photos that fit my "aesthetic"

My favorite thing about nature is the moon, it's just so beautiful to me. I'm most likely going to add my favorite photos of the moon. Overall, this is the continuation of the process of making my "all about me" commercial.


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