Production Blog

 Hi guys! Welcome back to my final production blog.

In this blog, I'll talk about the last-minute editing I had to do to my commercial. As well as the final touches and changes for my commercial.

I was thinking of removing some of the regular photos because the videos and Live Photos provoke more emotions as a viewer than a "still" photo. I've also decided to incorporate some transitions so the commercial looks more seamless. However, I did not know whether to do different transitions or the same one throughout. I opted out for only one transition because the video seemed all over the place and weird when I tried doing multiple transitions. I might add a few effects but I am not sure as of right now. 

I finally decided on what my text would look like and state. It's gonna begin with my name "Camila Medina Rios a.k.a Cami" and then in the background would be the photos and videos of me. This text will help establish who I am and what my name is. I also added the song credits which are "Pink + White by Frank Ocean".  Obviously, I have to respect the artist and provide credit for the song I am using. Finally, I gave myself production credits and the last text was "The end :)".

I genuinely have enjoyed the process of making my "all about me" commercial and I am happy that I brought you guys along with me. I feel like this short commercial gives great insight into who I am and the aura I radiate. The end result is something that I am proud of and I am glad to show it to my audience. 

I feel like the song I picked was perfect for this commercial because the emotions this song evokes are those of peacefulness and happiness. Watching my photos and videos with this song makes me look at the bright side of my life instead of the negative side. Overall, this has been an amazing process and even though I enjoyed doing it I am glad it is over and I hope you enjoyed being by my side throughout this. 

Sincerely, Camila :)

This perfect of baby me captures my essence perfectly because ever since I was little Christmas was my favorite day of the year. To this day it is a day that I enjoy profoundly and I wish I could still rock a Santa suit like I did in the picture above. 


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