Reflection Blog

 Hi Blog Squad!!! 

Welcome back to my blog, I finally finished my commercial after a long process. I hope you guys enjoyed my commercial as much as I did. Personally, I am proud of what I submitted. 

While making it, I had to learn how to use certain things I had never used before. I learned how to extract sound from a video and add it to my video. This process took some time to perfect but it was a great result at the end. Also, I had to learn to crop and edit the size of my photos to make them fit the frame. Something I struggled with was learning how to shorten the length of my photos and videos, I did not want them to be so long that the viewer grew tired but I also did not want it to appear and disappear in seconds. However, after some minor tweaks, I got each photo and video to a perfect length to keep the viewer entertained. Finally, I had to move photos and videos around to make the commercial flow perfectly and seamlessly. After this project, I am better at editing and creating using the tools provided by the app CapCut.

I learned that for a project to come together, you have to work consistently and not procrastinate. Good projects take time and if you rush them then they might not be your best work. This is why you should dedicate time and effort to your work so the results come out better than expected. I learned that it is good to ask for help. Since I am used to always figuring out things by myself ever since I was a little kid, it is difficult for me to reach for help. However, I needed help trying to figure out how to fix my text and the timing of my text so I asked one of my friends for help. It made my process go by faster because I did not waste time trying to figure it out myself.

For the next project, I can improve my organization and priorities. Since I have other AICE classes and an AP class I have a lot of work to keep up with. I did not prioritize this class as much as I needed to. Organization of time is key to creating a successful project. So next time I will give it more importance and learn how to organize my time. Overall, this project was a great way to start the year and a great introduction to who I am. I am very proud of what I accomplished and I hope you guys enjoy it.


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