Shooting the Video- Production Blog

Welcome back to my blog Camination!!

In this blog, I am going to talk about the process of shooting the music video. 

On Tuesday October 24th my group finally got together to record. I had to pick up one of my friends and get the cake for the music video first. We went to our shooting location which was Hugh Taylor Birch State Park. My younger sister went with us so she could record the scenes of the four of us.

The first thing we did was set up the picnic with the things we all brought. Aryanna brought chips, plates and utensils. Lyne brought the blanket and some cups. Katherine brought decorations, drinks, and snacks. I brought snacks, decorations and the cake. Katherine and I finished decorating our cake with the songs title on top of it. The icing melted due to the weather so when it was time to record that scene the name was barely visible. We all decided on adding captions for that scene so the viewer can understand what the cake was meant to say. 

The first scenes were shots of our picnic setup. We had to place everything in a way that would be visible and perfect. I think that this beginning shot was really successful and will look great all together. The picture below is the final setup of our picnic.

After the shot of our picnic we had individual shots. First up was Lynes shot which did not take long at all. It was a quick and simple shot that she executed perfectly. Next was Aryanna's shot, hers took a little longer because we all keep laughing. It was hard for us to focus and record without laughing. The easiest shot of the four of us was Katherine's. Her shot was the quickest and we all managed to stay focused during it. The last shot was mine, for a while I struggled to stay serious because every five seconds we all bursted out laughing. However, at the end we were all able to get our individual shots done the way we liked them. 

This was half of the day of shooting I will explain the rest in another blog! Thank you for being with me through this process!!!


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