The Rest of the Scenes- Production Blog

Welcome back to my blog Camination!!!

In the previous blog, I began talking about my process of filming the music video, the beginning scenes, and our individual shots. In this blog, I am going to be continuing the process of filming our music video.

After everyone was able to get their perfect individual shot, it was time for the group scenes. My younger sister was there to record these scenes. The hardest group scene had to be the one in which we were all awkwardly looking around without talking. This was the hardest to shoot because we all had to remain focused. We all tried to look in different directions so we did not have to make eye contact because if we had we would have started laughing. But after this specific scene, the rest felt like a breeze.

In the next scenes, we could all be talking to each other and eating so those shots were pretty easy to shoot. We just had a regular conversation and joked at times so we could be laughing. After editing, you won't be able to hear the conversation but you can tell that we're talking. 

Next up, was a scene in which we had to start throwing food at each other since the idea was a food fight. We didn't want to get each other very dirty so we crumbled up some of the cookies and threw them at each other. I've always wanted to participate in a food fight/war because of how it looks in movies and TV shows. This scene had to be one of my favorites.

 The next scene was one of the most crucial scenes, it was the cake-smashing scene. Since we only had one cake we only had enough for one shot. It had to be perfect on the first try and thankfully it worked out.  Katherine was the one who smashed the cake on my face. Although I had cake on my entire face and clothes the scene came out really good so it was worth the mess. After this, we had to shoot the rest of the scenes quickly because I wanted to get rid of the cake on myself. There's a scene of me chasing Katherine and we had to retake it because my sister had to keep up with me and her so the scene looked good. The next scene was just Lyne and Aryanna running towards us. 

Once we finished shooting we cleaned up our mess to make sure that we left no trash behind. Overall, I am so excited to begin the editing process and I cannot wait for the final result. Thank you for being with me along this process!!! See you on the next blog:)


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