Movie Conventions Research: Don't Worry Darling

- What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
Our genre, thriller, contains conventions that signal the reader they are in for a suspenseful film. Some of these include close-ups of characters' faces and quick cuts. both of which were seen in the film. The close- ups help to display clearly the change in emotion the actor portrays during an event. This is especially important within this genre of thriller as a lot of the time, we learn sinister details through what a character is discovering. Quick cuts on the other hand set a fast and engaging pace during action. Black and white scenes created by editing is another part of thriller films. This aspect was used in the film to enhance emotion and low lighting. Even to enact fear in the viewer.
- What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?
Some of my personal favorite aspects of the film Don't Worry Darling include the dietetic sound of eerie
music at different points of the film. The music created a sense of rising fear as I watched. As well as the mis-en-scene used like the makeup applied on both actors Harry Styles and Florence Pugh in certain
scenes. The application either made them seem lively or drained. Further, we see what a character notices or discovers through their acting. As I watched this film, I enjoyed the talented portrayal of emotions and intense feelings through acting the most. With the use of this acting, the characters relayed tension and suspense which are two aspects of a thriller film.
- What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
As for conventions that were off-putting and that will not be used in my group's final task, the
jumpscares would be a part of this category. Personally, I find them unnecessary for our film. Based on our storyline, jumpscares with loud music like seen in the film just don't apply. They also may be difficult to recreate without looking childish.
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