Production Blog: Editing

Hi camination, welcome back to my blog!

Katherine and I have continued the editing process since we last updated you. We left off by saying that there were still some technical concerns to be resolved and that the soundtrack and titles needed to be edited.

We entered our titles and corrected any mistakes we discovered in the shots that were clipped together today while editing. In our opinion, we should save the soundtrack for last so that we have more time to select the ideal music and sounds for each scene of the movie.

It only needed to be put together in the end and we decided where the titles should go because we had already chosen our fonts and the order in which they would appear. We could choose where to place our titles in photos that were taken from a long shot. Normally, we would position the titles in a corner of these specific clips, larger in size and using the same font. We have to be careful to position the titles in close-up photos so as not to block any crucial elements. The titles in these types of images were smaller, and the choice of location was dependent upon the content being filmed. For example, in a shot of Katherine and I baking, we had to make sure the title wasn't blocking any of our actions, so we placed the title right out of the way of the bowl being used.

After that, we both went back and watched the entire movie again. A few of the footage were improperly timed, so we had to edit and recut them before making sure the clips blended together seamlessly. Specifically, the footage of the two of us in the kitchen had to be edited down since certain parts were not timed right. It is crucial that this task be completed effectively because we don't want any shot to go overboard, drag out the movie, or appear overdone.

Our movie is moving along quite nicely so far. Though we haven't chosen or added anything yet, we have already begun to jot down some sounds and tunes that might be used. We will start from casual sounds to more and more ominous noises. This is crucial to our genre—thriller—so we can do it perfectly.
We will then add sounds to our film and ultimately select our music. I'll see you then!


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